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Exclusive Interview with Coach Fitness Endy Ashraf Attia in Ahly-now.com


Name: Endy Ashraf Attia Rokha

Age: 25

From:Damietta Governate, Ras El Bar

I have Experience for10 years in the fitness field Current Employment: • Team member at Zumba and Fitness in Ras El Bar Sports Club • Working at Al-Ghamri Gym in New Damietta • Supervisor at Legend Gym Certifications: • Sports Nutrition Certificate from EAS Academy, Pro Academy, by Dr. Salah Darwish • Obesity and Weight Loss Certificate from SCOPA, Pro Academy, by Dr. Salah Darwish • Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation Certificate from the Ministry of Youth and Sports • Physical Fitness Certificate from the Ministry of Youth and Sports • SFT Certificate from TASS Academy • Business Administration Certificate from the Ministry of Youth and Sports

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