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Exclusive interview with Coach Donia Yasser in Ahly-now .com


My name is coach Donia Yasser

Occupation: Personal Trainer EMS and Coach | Certified fitness trainer

Education: •

Cft at PBLS Academy  Internationally certified physical trainer 

Studied Diploma Of Clinical Nutrition & Dietitecs at American Association of Continuing Medical Education – AACME

‏Diploma Food Safety‎ at Zewail City

Working at gyms in Bfit20.ems , Leader Gym , Adrenaline Fitness Club , Head coach at Power Home Gym ,

Benefit playing Sport: Improve Posture. Increase Balance and Coordination. Boost Cardiovascular Health. Help fat Loss. … Build Core Strength. … Increase Flexibility. … Increase Energy and Stamina. Focus on increase flexibility


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